Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wednesday Stress-Fest

Hello everyone,
So, we've got a couple of special guests today, as well as some articles of particular interest. The latter being, for the most part, something we brought up several weeks ago. Alex Jones brought this up on his show yesterday in greater detail; it was a book review in Austin's very own paper The Austin American Statesman, entitled:

Also, Mr. Banksy pulled off another awesome demonstration. Please, check it out. If you're not familiar with his work, I beg you, go to

Today we also have Andy Pham on the show, whom is visiting Austin for the UT Stress-Fest, an event on campus that's supposed to expose students to natural/alternative forms of stress-relief. Here's an article from UT's Daily Texan.

Also, today on the show, we'll have Nancy Robbins and Katie Brewer who are going to be hosting a new show on WTPRN(.com) called "Liberty Cafe". You can listen in this coming Saturday at 10:00 pm - 12:00 am CST.

Oh yeah, visit BRAVE NEW BOOKS
And check out our archives on might learn something.

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