Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Program Changes
So, new voices on PNAC Radio! Yes, it's true. But, we've still got some stuff to share with you...
First, watch this really good break down of the Russian / Ossetia break down on a site that's new to us, The Real News Network.
Who's to blame for the Russian Georgian conflict?
Georgian troops launched an aerial bombardment and ground attack on its separatist province of South Ossetia on Thursday. South Ossetians want to join up with their ethnic brethren in North Ossetia, an autonomous republic within the Russian Federation. Seeing this as an act of aggression Russia launched bombing raids against Georgia, vowing to defend its citizens. More than half of South Ossetia's citizens are said to have taken up Moscow's offer of a Russian passport. Pepe Escobar believes that "the hypocrisy of the international community knows no bounds for if the West forced the issue of Kosovar independence then the independence of South Ossetia should also be on the cards."
Also, we had Josh Deever on the show again today. He has a show on the Revere Radio Network, called Don't Believe the Hype. Please check it out on Tuesdays after Jack Blood...
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Cut to the chase:
U.S. Intel: Iran Plans Nuclear Strike on U.S.
Here are some choice quotes:
“The only plausible explanation we can find is that the Iranians are figuring out how to launch a missile from a ship and get it up to altitude and then detonate it,” he said. “And that’s exactly what you would do if you had a nuclear weapon on a Scud or a Shahab-3 or other missile, and you wanted to explode it over the United States.”
"If even a crude nuclear weapon were detonated anywhere between 40 kilometers to 400 kilometers above the earth, in a split-second it would generate an electro-magnetic pulse [EMP] that would cripple military and civilian communications, power, transportation, water, food, and other infrastructure," the report warned.
"While not causing immediate civilian casualties, the near-term impact on U.S. society would dwarf the damage of a direct nuclear strike on a U.S. city."
“An EMP attack on America would send us back to the horse and buggy era — without the horse and buggy,” he told the Claremont Institute conference on Saturday. “If you’re a terrorist, this is your ultimate goal, your ultimate asymmetric weapon.”
Oh yeah, here's the point...
"The United States “needs a missile defense that is so strong, in all te different phases we need to defend against . . . that countries will decide it’s not worth coming up against us,” Kyl said."
Neuroscience, National Security & the “War on Terror”
Camera captures cop body-slamming bicyclist
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
OKC Gang and Financial Emergency
Straight to it:
If you'd like to see the video, click here.
Over the last year you have been here to sign various petitions on the housing crisis, on the credit markets and on Ben Bernanke's tampering with various parts of our financial system, including the bail out of Bear Stearns.
Today, once again we ask for one more signature, this time on a petition expressing your outrage over the lies, the utter incompetence, and the intentional wrongdoing of many in the financial industry.
Oh, and to protest what it has brought to you - $4 gasoline, a decimated 401k, a housing market in freefall and joblessness on the rise.
Mr. Denninger has written a paper on this and has faxed a copy to every member of Congress. Its long. Its involved.
It is a stinging indictment of Congress, of The Secretary of the Treasury, and of Ben Bernanke.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Rainbow Gathering 2008
So, we're talking on the phone with Deb Stevens, a fellow WTPRN host, about her experience at this year's rainbow gathering. Yeah, they shot into a crowd with rubber bullets; yeah, there were women and children in there. Oh yeah, it's a gathering of hippies too! One of the most dangerous groups I've heard of...anyway, check out these videos at the link below:
2008 Wyoming Rainbow Gathering
Here are some videos from the Forest Service attack at Kiddie Village on July 3rd. 2008, at the Rainbow Gathering in the Big Sandy/Dutch Joe of Bridger Teton National Forest.
Oh yeah, and the Red Cross considers Bush fit for being tried for War Crimes. Watch the video below please...
Whoa, we just really got into some amazing stuff with Josh, a long time supporter of PNAC (and a radioshow host as well: check out his show at Among those amazing things are:
Millennium 3000 Scenarios - Excerpt from the State of the Future at the Millennium
Why the future doesn't need us.
Governance: The resolutique
Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare [Circa 2025]
Monday, June 30, 2008
You and I and a Pie in the Sky
Here are some links, dog:
- U.S. escalating covert operations against Iran: report
- The World in 2025, According to the National Intelligence Council
- Ubiquitous Living Video ABC News...
- Also, be sure to check out Microsoft Surface, which is the *exact* kind of device that is shown in the above "smart home" scenario. More soon...
- Video: War camp kids chant 'Ooh, aah, ooh, aah, I want to kill somebody.'
- Iran Readies Graves For Enemy Soldiers
- Scientists: Nothing to fear from atom-smasher
Ron Paul's Warning Against Attacking Iran
Monday, June 23, 2008
Case of the Mondays
First off, please check out the BIG VoteRescue Event! Hearing at the Capitol.
Links links links:
Bomb Iran? What's to Stop Us? By Ray McGovern
In Russia, sometimes it rains cement
How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic
Change We Can Spy On: Obama Supports Telecom Amnesty
US House approves war funds bill
Kristol: Bush Might Bomb Iran If He 'Thinks Senator Obama's Going To Win'
World Exclusive: WTC7 Survivor Barry Jennings Account
Oh, and here's what your cell phones can do if you get creative with them:
Oh yeah, and there's ice on mars. Read on.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Motely Crue and the Father of Hip-Hop
Yeah, it's true:
Here's the story via fox, the most blatantly false large media outlet.
The BBC reported that there's, well, a lot of money missing (or stolen) that should be accounted for in Iraq.'s...yeah, $23 billion. Yeah. But you already knew that.a "It may well turn out to be the largest war profiteering in history."
Also, we had the distinct pleasure of having none other than the grandfather of hip-hop, Afrika Bambaataa, as well as Dr. Shaka Zulu. We talked about the controlled and contrived record industry, spreading truth, and many things in between. Check out the archive here.
Check out their site: Zulu Nation. Also, Shaka's got a radio show every Tuesday from 8pm-12 midnight. Give them a listen at WHCR - The Voice of Harlem
Also, continuing this very musical show, we had Tristin on who is a part of Blue Eyed Fools. He's a music/video editor and badass in general, and we were happy to have him on the show.
Anyway, we'll get to the stories next week...take care guys.
Monday, June 9, 2008
And then there were two...
Revealed: Secret plan to keep Iraq under US control
Top Pentagon Scientists Fear Brain-Modified Foes
Obama Sponsors Fingerprint Registry Bill
Here's the gist:
Most of us feel that the presumptive Presidential Candidate, Senator John McCain, is a fine individual (some of us don't), but he can not and will not win the 2008 race for the Presidency of the United States of America...
And here are two good articles from a Ray, a caller from PENN:
FACTBOX-Iraq's thorny negotiations with U.S.
McCain: I'd Spy on Americans Secretly, Too
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Hillary 08': Never Give Up
...or something like that.
Regardless, check out this article, about two artist Yazmany Arboleda, that focuses on both of the current Democratic candidates.
Obama Gallery
The Assassination of Hillary Clinton
And hell, why don't you just look at the wikipage for the sentient world simulation (SWS).
Oh yeah, and when should you die? FIND OUT HERE!
cheers dere,
Monday, June 2, 2008
Painting a more accurate Picture of OKC with Wendy Painting
Let's start this off with a video of the Pentagon testing their "active denial system". What does that mean? Well...
Pentagon Tests Raygun on Mock Anti-War Protestors
We also have our in-studio guest, Wendy Painting, who is working on her master's thesis on the OKC bombing. She's done a lot of great research and we're really looking forward to her final work. If you'd like to contact her, her email is:
Man threatened with arrest for wearing Transformers T-shirt
New Agreement on the Trans-Texas Corridor
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Back in the Saddle
Oh my god, here's something about ubiquitous computing.
And here's an excerpt from the article:
"...just by walking down the street you could be subject to a personal biometric system, you could be scanned by the gateway of the transit system, there could be something embedded in the street or in the flooring beneath you... you could be touching other tangible interfaces in the environment around you... the lamp posts and the other features of the streetscape could have informational services... and last but not least there's the surveillance element, there's a UAV, a robotic helicopter which is also surveying the cityscape and communicating with all of these devices... This is really what I mean by a transformation of the relationship between user and device. This person is not a user anymore in any real sense of the English world, they are a subject."
It may seem like a vision of a distant science fiction world, but this scenario laid out by Adam Greenfield, author of "Everyware: The Dawning Age of Ubiquitous Computing", could be just around the corner. In fact, at this very moment in South Korea an entire city, a "U-city", is being built that utilizes ubiquitous technology. It had it's first test run in March of last year. Several other countries are currently planning, or are currently building cities modeled around South Korea's U-city.
What exactly is Ubiquitous Computing?
An "Everyware" world, as Adam Greenfield calls it, is a world in which computers are embedded and merged seamlessly everywhere in the environment. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags communicate their position and other information constantly in a vast network. Everyday objects become "searchable" as if they were part of the interconnected world wide web. Surveillance in an "Everyware" world is perfected to a degree that is unimaginable. Scientific management of people and the environment we inhabit becomes possible, and marketers' ultimate dreams come true."
Also, check out this video of Mary Kaptur discussing the elites and NAFTA:
Monday, May 12, 2008
No case of the Mondays
First off, if you're in the Chicago area, check out an upcoming event with Richard Gage:
And, get ready to freak out:
New American Theology of Civil Submission
Monday, May 5, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
The Sims (DoD Expansion Pack)
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
O-G. Edward Griffin
Monday, April 28, 2008
News is Bad News
Face scans for air passengers to begin in UK this summer
Ron Paul conference call number, 8pm central on Thursday nights phone number: 605.475.8500 pass code: 5092984 =========================================== Also be sure to check out Rick's youtube video of a police check point in CA. Oh yeah, and come to our event tomorrow, more info here. cheers, jon |
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Chris Emery on the show today
19th Precinct
153 E 67th Street
3rd & Lex, New York, NY 10065
(212) 452-0600
NYPD Dept. of Public Information
(646) 610-5000
Disclaimer: Please when calling the precinct please be polite and courteous to the police officers. We Are Change does not advocate any threats of violence of any kind.
And, here's the updated article.
Also, here we've got a short little article from the Financial Times. Check it out, surely more will come out on this but probably in a very buried fashion...
US army engineer accused of spying for Israel
We've also got another great headline here...shit:
Wall Street Journal: “Maybe It’s Time for Americans to Start Stockpiling Food.”
Afghan farmers turn away from opium
Oh yeah, GO TO ORB WAR
And, please, watch Garth Marenghi's Dark Place
Today, on the show we've got, not one, not two, but THREE live in-studio guests. Third would be Sheila Dean, from, talking about her 5/11 Campaign to educate people about May 11th, which is when the first RFID legislation is supposed to come into law.
Sheila says go to, and go check out their documents section. I second that.
Also, here's some TX officials' numbers:
- Rick Perry (512) 463-2000
- K Bailey Hutchison (202) 224 5922, ask her to look at HR 1351, it's in PA right now and has many co-sponors, but needs more!
Monday, April 21, 2008
In cyberspace they can't hear you scream
MEP Assaults Activists, Media Reports Opposite In Giant Smear Attempt
Oh, and please, watch some of Officer Jack-Boot.
Oh yeah, visit BRAVE NEW BOOKSAnd check out our archives on might learn something.cheers,PNAC
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Wednesday Stress-Fest
Monday, April 14, 2008
Looks like somebody's got a case of the Mondays...
Food Wars: IMF alert on starvation and civil unrest
Friday, April 11, 2008
Help Us Help You
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
We also announced the impending visit of G. Edward Griffin; he'll be here April 29th in Jester, Room 121A, @ 21st Street and Speedway on the UT Campus. We'll have more details soon enough...
Next, we began talking about Jesse Ventura and his view that the 2nd Ammendment of the U.S.' Constitution is for the citizens to rise against the government should it ever become tyrranical...
Hannity and Colmes Interview:
Colbert Report Interview:
We then began our weekly segment with Sheila Dean; she also brought on Mark Lerner, who can be reached @; if you contact him, he can send you some documents on RealID and DLA (Driver's License Agreement), which you can then send to your state legislators so they can fight it in their respective Legislatures.
Erin also told us about H.R. 5405, which enacts a sort of super-social security card; it should be noted that this could be a work-around in case RealID fails (we'd still have a national ID-card). She was also gracious enough to provide us with a few links:
Contact your U.S. Representative @:
H.R. 5405:
More H.R. 5405 info:
Mark over @ also informed us that many 9/11 videos on GoogleVideo are being destroyed? This could be tied to his posting links on many popular 9/11-Truth websites (i.e. is mainly a portal website; Erin also told us that her website has broken links and interestingly enough, all her broken links are related to the North American Union...kind of creepy...
Another corollary, this could be some kind of false-flag event to promote Internet 2.0, perhaps? Casey told us that the new CERN Super Collider, though it could unleash black holes upon the Earth, it also marks the beginning of the first servers of Internet 2.0 coming online (that's in July, btw...).
Matt brought up the article of Life Prison Terms for Filipino rice thieves:
And Casey also brought up this:

I know it looks funny, but he actually had a salient point: the government makes mistakes!
Matt used the classic 'segue from hell' to mention that Phillip Zelikow will be on the UT Austin campus tomorrow! He'll be in the Brown Room on the 10th floor of the LBJ library @ 5PM; he's basically a complete Neocon who helped change our election systems in 2001 and was the co-chair of the 9/11 Commission Report, interestingly enough...! Be sure to be polite, but definitely make your questions...pointed...
Info here:
Hope you enjoyed the show!
Cya Friday,
Friday, April 4, 2008
Liberty = Hitler Youth?
Apparently so,
At least according to
the Austin American Statesman:
Also, check out this
article from Black Listed News:
Oh yeah, and go see Zardoz.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
This and That
1607 San Jacinto
Austin , TX 78704
Who should come
And, from our friends at
Monday, March 31, 2008
Case of the Mondays
- Lawsuit seeks to thwart possibility of Earth-eating black hole
- 25 Environmental Threats of the Future
- 'Terror and Consent': brilliant, contrarian
Friday, March 28, 2008
Allegory of the Cave
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Citizine & Such
- Check it out at